Gold is up 15%

Lauri Elias
3 min readMay 10, 2024

Actually it’s a shiny metal down underground. So maybe all the other stuff we measure against it is down? Down underground.

17% against the euro.

How does that make you feel?

I feel 1/6 of the 10k I have in my rainy day account went *poof*. Extra taxation.

When did you last get a 15% salary bump?

Do we brush it away with ‘it’s the Chinese’, ‘it’ll come back down shortly’?

Inflation’s being tamed, right?

Federal Reserve balance sheet showing they have ‘bought’ almost $8 trillion in assets with money they just printed

Well they did something.

Gold was trading around $42 an ounce in August 1971. Something happened and now it’s sitting at $2,342.

Stick those numbers and 52 years into an annualized return calculator and you’ll arrive at 8.04%.

NASDAQ’s up 10.13% per year over the same period, so it’s not like gold’s a brilliant choice.

Just making less than that investing — meaning you lose to grandpa who bought a coin in 1971 and ‘grew’ it under his mattress — warrants the full 4 layers of clown makeup.

In some high trust countries crowdlending nets you ~7%. You’re the chump the instant you wire the money to the platform. And 5% sovereign bonds are just a show of patriotism, right?

